Home Sweet Home
Time alone at home can be such a delicious yet somehow incomplete thing. The Christmas holidays played themselves out, I got to see so many things, the west texas mountains, trendy chicago restaurants, a beautiful, real christmas tree in my mother's livingroom, my loved ones.
I cooked carne guisada tonight, drank a few Sierra Nevada celebration ales, marked down at HEB because the holidays are over, celebrations are over, and beer bottles with poinsetta leaves on them are over. My iPod is playing the best shuffle I could ask for, as I ran around snapping these photos Pee Wee King and his Gulf Coast Playboys played the Tennessee Waltz.
I realize I look fat and I resolve to lose enough weight to erase the sagging layer around my jowls. I went out for a walk tonight and met my across the street neighbor, Jay, he is an engineer for Verizon and an avid bass fisherman. He invited me out. I have tackle. I've been carrying fishing tackle around with me for, like, a decade, five or six moves, finally I may get to use it.
I'm just so fucking happy to have my own house.